Monday, June 3, 2013

what have you learned?

-Oprah Winfrey
Annye's last post got me thinking about how valuable other people are in our shaping. Other people's insights, actions, words, beliefs, feelings, etc., help us to learn and grow. That said, I'd love to know from all of you what is the biggest thing you have learned in your twenties so far {or did learn, if you aren't in your 20s}?

You can email or use the "Say Hey" tool on the right to send us a message. I'll put together a post with what everyone sends so we can all learn a little bit from each other. {I won't put your name with it, so it'll be anonymous in the blog post.} If you want to take part {and I hope you do!} please email/message us by Friday!

Happy Monday all. And I can't wait to learn from all of your valuable experiences!

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