Annye's confessions:
- It's supposed to rain here all weekend. Part of me wishes it wouldn't, because I want to be able to enjoy the outdoors some. But most of me hopes it does just so I could justify staying in bed and sleeping all weekend.
- The Easter Bunny visited me on Sunday {yes I'm almost 24 and the Easter Bunny still visits me} and I was really good about not touching the sweet stuff. Until Wednesday night, when I literally could stop thinking about the amount of chocolate that was sitting in my kitchen. The next thing I knew I was eating Kit Kats and jelly beans like they were going out of style. Not my proudest moment.
- All I can think about lately is summer time float trips. Have y'all ever been on a float trip? The kind where you go to the nastiest river you can find, and canoe all day--drinking beer and getting sunburnt? Basically, summer perfection around these parts. Cannotwait.
- I went to bed last night without showering after my workout. Thinking about it now just makes my skin crawl. But to justify: I showered this morning and plan on washing my sheets this afternoon. I was just too tired. Gross, I know.
- I have really been trying to watch what I eat {minus that whole Easter candy incident}, but I cannot stay away from Pinterest. And we all know that's where diets go to die. All I can do lately is look at delicious food and just dream about cooking it. It's like the worst kind of punishment.
Jena's Confessions:
- My boyfriend is amazing. I'm writing it as a confession because I hate being that girl who constantly talks about their hunny pie. (Though, I realize this post will probably still be annoying). But ya'll, this guy. He deserves to be bragged about from time to time. This morning post migraine and cry, he brought us giant cokes & biscuits and gravy from McDonald's--my favorite comfort meal. I don't know about you, but it really is the little things that make a relationship. And he's always doing them--he makes me feel constantly cared about. I could eat biscuits and gravy with this guy until I'm old and grey. And fat. Because let's be honest that's where I'm headed if I keep eating like this. Check out #2.
- I also just at two bags of M&Ms in one sitting. Good thing swimsuit season isn't coming up or anything.
- I bought a $40 necklace yesterday. Yes I feel guilty. But, yes it's very cute.
- Last night I spent a lovely evening at Walton Art's Center with my boyfriend and his family to see Bela Fleck and the Flecktones. If you're like me and no nothing about music, I learned I will probably never see musicians as talented as them again in my lifetime. How cool is that? But anyway, mid concert I decided I wanted to save the memory. No flash photography allowed, but cellphones--A okay. So I kept it inside my purse while I navigated to the camera, and popped it out once the lens was ready. Snap. Went to take one more and the woman next to me said, "Excuse me, can you put that thing away?" I explained I just wanted a quick picture. She said, "I don't care, it's distracting." Cue me imaginary punching her to the beat of the music we were hearing. Disturbing right? Maybe. I was able to let it go fairly quickly and laugh at myself for getting worked up. You should try it.
- My most exciting weekend plans? The Gentry Zoo. It's a drive through Safari that has to be breaking some kind of safety laws. But I don't care. Tigers! Monkey's! Hippos!
All I want to do right now is go on a Float trip. I'm in dyer need of a relaxing alcohol induced trip down the river :) I've never called it that, but I'm adopting the name. I love it :)