Wednesday, October 26, 2011

halloween! questionable costumes.

It's Halloween week, and being the big fan I am of the holiday, I thought it was only right that we celebrate here on Smith & Emma. So I've dug up some of my old Halloween pics (and some of Jena's are coming, too!) and wanted to share some gems for my past.

I'm usually in one of two schools of thought on Halloween costumes--I'm either going to go hilarious and weird, or quick and easy. If I go the hilarious and weird route, I've had some sort of epiphany ahead of time and have the time to throw together something more elaborate. Because I love the holiday, I usually start thinking a few months in advance about what I want to be. Also, it's worth noting that the good Lord blessed me with a very talented mother who is seriously a whiz with a sewing machine She's definitely the talent behind my ideas and has been making Halloween amazing for years.

So without further ado, I present to you what I like to call:

Questionable Costumes Through the Ages

2006- Nicole Ritchie. Get it... skeleton and blonde wig??! Yeah, no one else did either. Boo.
2007- The furry chicken. One of my finer moments... Stole it from a Martha Stewart baby costume idea. Hand crafted all by yours truly. (Yes, those are feather boas.) Literally left feathers everywhere I went. And got some pretty wicked stares.
2008- Last minute, Ellen Griswold with my ex, who was Clark Criswold, ala Christmas Vacation. Basically an excuse for me to wear mom jeans and pearls.

2009- An Indian. The headdress (not pictured) is what sold me. My mom made my dress and sent it to me in Chicago. Still love her for that.
2010- My friends and I did the "3 Little Piggies" for a Razorback game.
That night I was "Baberham Lincoln." (Pictured with Jena, the nerd.) I don't think people were sure what to make of it (a lady in a beard with a mini top hat, say what?), but I still find it hilarious. So there.

And just as proof that I haven't always been such an oddball...
my sister and i, circa 1999

So there you have it. I'm looking forward to dressing up this year--I even get to wear a costume to work on Monday! My mom is crafting my costume as I type this. I don't want to say what it is, but I will tell you it's not hilarious or weird. Just simple.

My tips for a last minute Halloween costume? Think about the things you already have in your closet! One year I was a "tennis pro" for one party--tennis skirt, sweater tied around my neck, polo, tennis shoes. Also, the Internet is your friend. A good google search can give you the best ideas.

Since I've showed you mine, I want to hear about yours! Tell me about the worst costume you've ever donned, and the best/cutest/funniest costume you've ever worn. I'd love to hear!


  1. I'm so glad I found y'alls blog--love it already! This post is too worst Halloween costume moment was when I was around age 9 I found a Pollypocket costume, which was basically a red jumsuit and a plastic red wig. The wig was super uncomfortable so I ended up taking it off, and no one could tell what I was!

    Anyways, check out my blog because I gave your blog an award!! :)

  2. Should've posted the chicken holding the cat pic. Far superior.
