Tuesday, January 3, 2012

big things to come

excuse the photobomb. but aren't my friends beauties?

Hello lovelies! Are we all recuperated and ready to rock in 2012? I had a great New Years weekend in St. Louis with a few of my favorite people. We pretty much laughed our way into the new year. Couldn't ask for much more. {And yes, I did start off my year at the bottom, if you know what I mean ;). If you don't... check out this post.}

On our drive home last night it finally settled in that it was in fact a new year. I've never put much stock into the idea of new year--it's time to make big changes philosophy, mostly because I think you should continuously change and evolve all year long. BUT! This year I really am determined to make it the best year yet. And am looking forward to making a few changes myself.

2011 was just sort of meh for me. Nothing huge happened. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. For 2012, I want big things. I'm determined to have big things. My aha moment in the car last night was this: In order to have big things happen, I have to do big things. I can't settle and wait for things to come my way. You gotta make 'em happen!

I've always known that obviously. But I don't think I always live it out to its fullest potential. That stops now!

I have a whole list of resolutions or goals, as I like to call them. I'll post those later this week with our poll results. Speaking of the poll, have you voted yet? Do it!

Let's make this the best year yet!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful New Year's! I hope it continues throughout the year :)
